Incubator Plus

This needs translation into English. Sorry, but writing in German is somewhat easier for me.

Today Sam and Betty are going to the beach. They are collecting all they need:

  • two shovels (zwei Schaufeln)
  • two buckets (zwei Eimer)
  • a digger (einen Bagger)
  • two boats (zwei Boote)
  • two floating tyres (zwei Schwimmreifen)
  • an air mattress (eine Luftmatratze)
  • a swimsuit (einen Badeanzug)
  • trunks (eine Badehose)
  • a ball (einen Ball)

Then they sit in the car with their parents and drive to the beach.

There is so much sand and water. Sam and Betty cannot wait. They take their floating tyres and immediately go and play in the water. Playing with water is fun. They splash around. Then they go back to the sunshade, where their mom is waiting. And where is daddy? Ah there he is. With two huge ice-cream cornets for Sam and Betty. Great strawberry and lemon ice-cream.

Then they play in the sand. With their shovels, buckets and the digger they build a sandcastle. They fill the canal around the sandcaslte with water. Then they let their boats float on the water.

Betty lies down under the sunshade on the air mattress ... she is so tired.

Later they again play in the water and then they drive back home.
